We live in a digital world today and that means digital assets are everywhere. From the photos stored on your smartphone, videos, music, e-books, blogs, saved documents, social media accounts, email accounts and even your maintained ID.

Most people are interacting with digital assets hundreds even thousands of times a day through there, smartphones, computers, laptops and tablets, but what happens to all these digital assets if you pass away??

The laws in this area are very vague and differ from country to country.

How should you plan your digital assets legacy?

  • Write a Will and set up Lasting Power of Attorneys, so someone you know, and trust can manage your digital assets when you pass or loose capacity.
  • Make an inventory list of all your digital assets and passwords and store safely so your estate executors or power of attorneys can manage your digital assets.
  • Tell your executors and power of attorneys what exactly you want them to do with the digital assets.
  • Make your you keep your inventory up to date and ensure your representatives know how to find and access your digital assets.

This is so important in the age we live in today and as we become more reliant on technology these digital assets will only increase.