Secure Document Storage
Document Storage
Once your Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney documents have been executed, it is crucial that you take steps to store the originals securely. If your original documents go missing or are accidentally destroyed, your executors, trustees or attorneys will be unable to proceed as copies are not valid. If your Will is damaged or defaced, the Probate Registry may consider that an attempt has been made to revoke your Will and may refuse to admit it to probate. In either case, your estate may be treated as if you had not made a Will at all – and this will mean you will be deemed to have died intestate where the rules of intestacy will then come into play.
For an annual fee your documents can be safely stored at a dedicated secure storage facility where your documents will be:
- Stored in waterproof, tamper-evident wallets.
- Fully insured against loss.
- Retrievable, free of charge and via Royal Mail Special Delivery, at any time.
- Stored in a specialist document archive.
- Returned to your executors when needed.